While is it not customary for citizenship to pass from grandparent to grandchild, it is possible depending on the legal status of both your grandparent and your parent. Trying to obtain US citizenship through the N-600 process is not the easiest legal concept to prove and it is vital that you seek and consult with am experienced immigration attorneys prior to beginning your application process in order to determine if your case would fall within the strict N-600 guidelines.
Acquisition of Citizenship
In order to acquire citizenship from a grandparent, you must meet the requirements for the acquisition of citizenship. This process allows children who wereborn abroad to U.S. parents to automatically gain U.S. citizenship. It is most commonly used for dependents of U.S. military members who have children outside the country while on official duty, although there may be other instances when the rules apply.
Determining Citizenship of Grandparents and Parents
It is not enough to prove that your grandparents are U.S. Citizens. You must also prove that your parents are or should have been granted Citizenship under the laws governing them at the time of their birth. Unfortunately,the immigration laws have changed numerous times in the past few decades. For example, if your parent was born in 1974, then your grandparent would have had to meet the citizenship requirements for that time which would include a minimum residence of ten years with at least half of that time after she reached the age of 14. That would allow citizenship to pass to your parent. Providing your parent meets the requirements for citizenship and residency, you may indeed be granted citizenship under this procedure.
When to Hire Experienced Immigration Attorneys
This process and the proof of US citizenship can become a tedious process to research and articulate with USCIS, and possibly in court. Unlike other forms of naturalization, applicants are required to prove the citizenship status of multiple generations of relatives. It is difficult at best. Without the assistance of qualified and experienced immigration attorneys, you may easily miss an important detail which can jeopardize your entire case.
The law firm of Goldstein & Scopellite, PC, with its experienced immigration attorneys, has an excellent track-record. The firm, located in Dallas, Texas, was established in 2002; now only takes selected clients. Contact the firm’s representative at 214-351-9100 for more information. Thank you.