Dallas Broken Bone Attorneys & Brain Injury Lawyers
Help for Victims of Bone Injuries and Fractures
It is a common misconception that a broken bone is a minor injury involving a small crack, and that a broken bone is a bone completely snapped in two. However, this is not the case. In medical terms, a broken bone is any type of cracked, broken or crushed bone, regardless of its gravity. Any bone in the body can be broken but some of the most common include a broken leg, wrist, arm, finger, toe or a broken nose. A more serious break would be a fractured skull, which could lead to a brain injury or a broken back causing a spinal cord injury.
Holding the Negligent Party Responsible
If you have fractured a bone as a result of an accident resulting from someone else’s negligence, you have the right to make a personal injury claim. Some fractures can be severe, calling for surgical operations to open the limb or part of the body to gain access to the fractured part. The bone can be splintered and the jagged bone or surrounding soft tissue may need cleaning up. Some cases may need insertion of pins, plates and/or wires to stabilize the fracture and allow for natural union and healing. Further surgery may be needed later on to remove the screws or plates inserted. This can lead to great deal of pain, discomfort and residual unsightly scarring.
In some cases, the bones are so badly broken that surgery is needed to actually tidy up the end of the bones to allow the fractured ends to be united. This is a complicated surgery and the risk of infection is high. In very severe cases, it may be unavoidable that surgical excision or amputation of all or part of the affected limb has to be done as a very last resort. Where surgery involves a joint such as wrists, knees, elbows, hips, thumbs or fingers, the risk of arthritis increases in later years and can lead to disability in the future.
Non bony union of some serious fractures can be a real problem, not forgetting the risk of bone and soft tissue necrosis needs to be carefully appraised by an experienced orthopedic consultant to identify the nature and extent of future problems where this risk arises.
Compensation for Damages in Texas
Damages that the Dallas personal injury lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP will represent you to be compensated for include pain and suffering and other potential expenses including a threat to employment, physiotherapy and care costs, medical aids, as well as house and car modifications if there is significant residual disability either existing or to develop in the future. If you have suffered a broken bone/fracture from an accident resulting from someone else’s fault, you have the right to make a claim for compensation.
Experience with Dallas Bone Injury Claims
At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP in Dallas, Texas, serving the needs of accidents victims who have suffered a broken bone or serious joint injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else is one of the many personal injury cases we cover. A broken bone may require continuing medical care and costly physical rehabilitation. In extreme cases, the injury can lead to long-term or permanent disability. Our winning team of broken bone lawyers has earned a reputation of success in obtaining substantial trial verdicts and compensation settlements in broken bones cases.
The attorneys at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP have enormous experience with injury claims involving broken bones and knee injuries of all types.
We represent clients in knee injuries such as a torn or ruptured medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus, tears in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and others. We also handle cases involving broken arms, pelvis, legs, wrists and ankles. We also handle cases involving severely broken bones and severe knee injuries.
Contact Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP
The personal injury lawyers of Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP are experienced in dealing with personal injury compensation claims involving broken/fractured bones. Contact us today at (214) 231-0555 and we will advise you on the validity of your case for compensation. We are happy to represent you through the process of seeking compensation for your injuries and to answer any questions or queries you may have.
Compensation for Victims of Brain Trauma

Living with a brain injury is challenging, to say the least. Even minor brain trauma can make life different and it may only become apparent over time. If another person’s careless actions or wrongdoing led to your life-altering injury, you deserve justice and financial compensation as soon as possible.
The Dallas personal injury lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP can provide the aggressive representation and compassionate assistance you and your loved ones need to regain financial and personal stability. Call our office or fill out our contact form for a free and comprehensive case evaluation today. Our number is (214) 231-0555.
Traumatic Brain Injury Causes
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a blow to the head or when something penetrates the skull. TBI can range from mild to severe, impacting the victim’s life accordingly. Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP has more than 25 years of experience helping victims of brain injuries or their surviving family members. We represent those who have sustained a wide range of traumatic brain injuries in negligence-related accidents, including but not limited to:
- Car accidents
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Construction accidents
- Sports injuries
- Dog attacks
- Nursing home abuse
- Motorcycle collisions
If you were in an accident, the first thing to do is seek medical attention. Little can be done to reverse the damage caused by a traumatic brain injury, but emergency medical personnel may be able to minimize it. Afterward, let our skilled team of attorneys demand the restitution you are legally entitled to receive from those responsible for your losses. We will work tirelessly on your behalf so you can focus on healing.
Types of Brain Injuries
Approximately 2.6 million people suffer some type of brain injury in the United States every year, resulting in about 52,000 deaths from traumatic brain injuries. Here is information about some common types of brain injuries.
- Concussion: Considered a “mild” traumatic brain injury, a concussion can happen when a person is hit in the head or sustains a whiplash injury. The sudden shifting of the head can result in the brain bouncing around or twisting in the skull. This movement can create chemical changes in the brain and damage brain cells. Most people recover after having a concussion, but it may take months for the symptoms to completely disappear. Repeat concussions are dangerous because they increase the likelihood of permanent brain damage called “chronic traumatic encephalopathy.”
- Open Head Injury: An open head injury occurs when the skull is penetrated by an object and the brain is injured. One common source of an open head injury is a skull fracture in which a bone fragment “depresses” inward and pierces the brain. Most open head injuries leave the brain exposed and vulnerable to becoming infected, which can lead to permanent brain damage or death.
- Closed Head Injury: A closed head injury occurs when the brain is injured from a blow to the head or knocked against the skull, but does not have an object penetrating it. The treatment for closed head injuries depends on the severity of the injury. For patients with mild injuries, doctors recommend rest and over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients with more severe closed head injuries require additional medical attention.
- Diffuse Axonal Injury: The tearing of the brain’s connecting nerve fibers (called axons) can occur when the brain is moved around inside of the skull, which causes lesions. It also causes brain cells to die, which leads to swelling in the brain. A person who suffered a diffuse axonal injury will usually loses consciousness and may end up in a coma. Those who wake up from a coma often have permanent and severe brain damage. Common causes of this type of brain injury include car accidents, acts of violence, falls, and child abuse (Shaken Baby Syndrome).
- Subdural Hematoma: A subdural hematoma is when blood builds up on the brain’s surface, between the protective layers surrounding the brain itself. The most common cause of a subdural hematoma is blunt trauma to the head, such as from a car accident or a fall. This sudden impact can strain the blood vessels within the brain and cause them to rip and bleed. A subdural hematoma may be classified as acute, when the symptoms show up right away, or chronic, if the symptoms manifest weeks after the injury. The symptoms of a subdural hematoma include confusion, headaches, balance problems, seizures, and vision problems.
Symptoms of Brain Injuries
Depending on the severity of the brain injury, symptoms vary widely and include physical, psychological, and even sensory components. These can include:
- Headache
- Loss of consciousness
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Sensitivity to light or sound
- Dilated pupils
- Being dazed, confused, or disoriented
- Unable to concentrate or remember
- Fatigue or sleepiness
- Mood changes or aggressive behavior
- Upset stomach
- Seizures
- Blurred or unclear vision
- Ringing sound in the ears
- Things don’t smell or taste right
- Numbness in the hands and feet
While this list isn’t all-inclusive, those are very common signs that you or a loved one received a traumatic brain injury. TBI can cause changes in attention, memory, coordination, balance, hearing, touch, vision, aggression, anxiety, depression, impulse control, and personality. These changes often require substantial medical care for the rest of the victim’s life. Many people are disabled or have to change professions, if they are still able to work at all.
Why Pursue a Claim for a Brain Injury?
Because the symptoms do not always present themselves immediately, many victims who suffer a brain injury think they are fine in the moments and hours after an accident. Symptoms may not appear for days or even weeks. A catastrophic injury like brain damage often results in overwhelming costs for both the victim and their family. Pursuing a claim against the responsible party is a way to recover the costs of therapy and other medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other intangible losses in life’s enjoyment.
Let Our Attorneys Tell Your Story
Ideally, after you have suffered harm, the at-fault party and his or her insurance would be more than willing to provide the financial aid you need. Unfortunately, insurance providers are in the business of protecting their clients and their bottom line. That is why our attorneys are committed to telling your story and documenting the unique stresses, disabilities, or losses you must endure as a result of your injury. We will create “Day in the Life” videos to ensure that you are awarded the just compensation you deserve.
Types of Damages
Because no two cases are the same, there can be no guarantees regarding recovery. Generally, though, damages in a brain injury case fall into one of two types of categories: special (or economic) damages and general (non-economic) damages.
Special damages are designed to compensate a victim for his or her costs caused by a TBI. These may include medical treatments or therapies, property damage, lost wages or a loss in the ability to earn wages, and in the most serious cases, funeral expenses for the family of a victim. General damages include intangible items like pain and suffering, loss in a relationship, reputation damage, and emotional distress.
Assisting Brain Injury Victims Throughout Texas
At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, we understand the immense amount of stress that you and your family are going through as a result of the incident that caused the traumatic brain injury. Lost wages, replacing a vehicle, monthly bills, and medical bills begin to pile up. All of these things, in addition to dealing with the insurance company, are too much for a family to handle alone.
Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP has recovered more than $110,000,000 for clients during the last 25 years. We offer free initial consultations with flexible hours to fit your schedule. We also work on a contingency fee basis, which means that, unless we win compensation for you, you don’t pay.
Do not put off legal action when it comes to such a devastating tragedy as a brain injury. It may not be possible for you or your loved one to make a full recovery, but taking appropriate steps to protect your rights can help you get the money you will need for past and future medical bills.
Contact Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP Today
If you can’t come to our location, we can come to your home or hospital room. We accept cases in Dallas, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Collin County, Denton County, and other counties. If you are unable to call us, our website has a contact form available. Simply provide your information and a short note. One of our friendly and experienced staff members will contact you. Many legal claims are time-sensitive so it is important that you seek legal representation as soon as possible. Don’t wait. Contact us today. Dial (214) 231-0555 or toll-free (214) 231-0555 to speak to an experienced Texas brain injury attorney.
Additional Information
- What Types of Fractures are Commonly Suffered in Car Accidents?
- Broken Bone – MedlinePlus
- Fractures (Broken Bones) – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Do You Know the Signs of a Concussion?
- Brain Injuries: An Overview
- About Brain Injury – Brain Injury Association of America
- Traumatic Brain Injury – MedlinePlus